Sunday, May 20, 2007

Pack Spring Camping Trip

The pack went on it's spring camping trip this past weekend. We had boys from each den attending, some bringing along siblings. Our weekend was busy, thanks to our Cub Master and Pack Chair. After our flag raising on Saturday, the kids broke up into teams. Each team went on a scavenger hunt and then made team flags. Afterward, the kids were able to learn to fish and earn their fishing belt loop, play an indian game, take a nature hike, go on a scavenger hunt, make ice cream, make neckerchief slides (for the boys, necklaces for the female siblings), and make marshmallow shooters. The kids got to participate in a marshmallow battle while the adults got ready for dinner. We had a great bonfire gathering after everyone had eaten too. With each team of kids performing a skit and listening to great stories around the fire. We closed with lowering the flag.

Sunday we had another flag raising with our own Sunday Service following. Thanks to Greg Cruce for leading our service. We lowered our flag ending our fun weekend to pack up and head home.

We hope everyone that attended had a lot of fun and that next time we'll have even more kids attend.

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