Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Froggy's late

But he's back! See if you can find him, then find me before the pack meeting starts and let me know where.

Yours in Scouting,
Mrs. Ashley

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Thanks to the Foothills District

They've worked with the Georgia Aquarium and have come up with a patch for Cub Scouts to earn! I've linked the information to it in to our "Important Information" page. Check it out!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Pie in the Face!

Mrs. Joy, our popcorn chair and assistant Bear leader, took THREE pies in the face at our November pack meeting. The three top popcorn sellers each took turns smacking pies in Mrs. Joy's face. Congratulations to our top sellers: Jordan, Robert, and Craig. Thanks to all the boys for their hard work!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Froggy Froggy

I've hidden a froggy on one of the pack pages. If you can find it, find me at the start of the next pack meeting (Nov. 18th) and tell me where it was. You'll get a prize!

Yours in Scouting,
Mrs. Ashley

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Pack Camping Trip

Speaking for myself, I have to say that the camping trip was a success. The district had quite a few activities available for the boys to do, including bb's and archery. If your boy participated in those, make sure you let your den leader know. They earn a belt loop for having done so.

We started Saturday off with breakfast, a flag ceremony and a pack meeting. Cubmaster Dan put the boys through their first uniform inspections. Most did better than we'd hoped, dirt and all included. So, be prepared for our next inspection! After the pack meeting, most of us walked the trail up to the waterfall, though it was definitely showing the drought. We then had lunch on our own. District events started at noon, the boys got to pick and choose what they wanted to do. There were several crafts including making space goop, painting pictures, making star books and more. Several walked up to Big Rock, which I'm told is quite a hike.

Saturday evening dinner was either with the district or back at our own camp fire. From what I saw, the boys had a blast playing together and with other scouts they met.

Sunday morning dawned early with most of the pack picking up and leaving as quickly as possible. Several were more inclined to a leisurely pace and were content to let everyone else get out first.

Thanks to all the families that came, I hope you had as much fun as we did.

YiS - Ms. Ashley (Bear Leader)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Camping, Leave No Trace and Tent Races

The Bear den wanted to share that they were learning about camping safety and Leave No Trace. We learned that when camping/hiking:

1- Always wear closed toe shoes (sneakers are ok, hiking boots are best).

2- Make sure to plan ahead. Make a list so that you know you have everything you need.

3- Stay on the trail when hiking. If you get left behind or lost, sit still and wait.

4- You should always carry a whistle, you can blow it to let others know you need help.

5- Follow the buddy system.

6- Make sure you LEAVE NO TRACE. Everything you bring in must go back out. This includes your trash. Don't take anything you didn't bring.

7- If you bring a pet, you need to scoop their poop and keep them on a leash.

8- Respect others. You're not the only one that uses the parks.


For fun, we had tent races and have pictures to show. It encouraged team work and taught us how to set up a small tent.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Welcome To the Pack Picnic

We had a great time at the Welcome to the Pack Picnic. I'm so impressed with our new families. Many stuck around to help us clean up, showing that they care, they're comfortable, and they're friendly. I'm looking forward to time when I can get to know each family better.

The leaders were wonderful in helping out. We had a plan and it ran very smoothly. I'm grateful for a team of leaders who is willing to help pull the load.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Anyone need uniforms?

In the past some uniforms have been donated and we have a box of them in our storage closet. Right now we only have TINY sizes. If anyone shops at Goodwill or any thrift store and they can, buy whatever shirts you can find. This way we will help out our fellow scouts!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Pack Spring Camping Trip

The pack went on it's spring camping trip this past weekend. We had boys from each den attending, some bringing along siblings. Our weekend was busy, thanks to our Cub Master and Pack Chair. After our flag raising on Saturday, the kids broke up into teams. Each team went on a scavenger hunt and then made team flags. Afterward, the kids were able to learn to fish and earn their fishing belt loop, play an indian game, take a nature hike, go on a scavenger hunt, make ice cream, make neckerchief slides (for the boys, necklaces for the female siblings), and make marshmallow shooters. The kids got to participate in a marshmallow battle while the adults got ready for dinner. We had a great bonfire gathering after everyone had eaten too. With each team of kids performing a skit and listening to great stories around the fire. We closed with lowering the flag.

Sunday we had another flag raising with our own Sunday Service following. Thanks to Greg Cruce for leading our service. We lowered our flag ending our fun weekend to pack up and head home.

We hope everyone that attended had a lot of fun and that next time we'll have even more kids attend.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Getting to Pack Meetings

There's an advantage to showing up to the monthly pack meetings on time. Last month, the boys got to participate in a "guess the number of marbles" drawing. The winner received the jar of marbles. This month, the boys got to cook s'mores outside. Yum! So, get to the pack meetings 15 minutes early and your boys can participate in cool activities too. Be on time! We'll start meetings promptly at 7pm.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cub Scout Civil War Day

Found in the Gwinnett L.I.F.E information for the Lawrenceville Female Seminary..

Cub Scout Civil War Day Learn about uniforms, food, and life in the Civil War.

FSHM10207 Cub Scouts SA 8/18 1:00-4:00pm $7 Staff

You must preregister your son with the county for this event.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Wolf Scouts - Den Report

The Wolf Cubs had a special visit from a representative of the Atlanta Audobon Society. She brought with her several activities and games about birds for the boys. The one that really got their attention, though, was the "owl pellets". No, I don't mean poo. When an owl eats an animal that has something it can't digest, these parts go into the gizzard. It then gets coughed out (like a cat with a hairball). These are owl pellets. The boys got to dissect the owl pellets and try to identify what it was that this owl had eaten.

Initially, they thought it was icky. They quickly got over it, though, and "dug in". They found shrew and rodent parts (skulls and all) as well as mole and bird parts. Really way cool. They got to keep the bones they found too.

Our bird lady is going to do a nature hike (hopefully) this summer with the whole pack. The boys will all have a blast.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Thanks Ashley!

I want to say a great big THANK YOU to Ashley (our Wolf den leader) for all the work she's put into developing our web page! If anyone has suggestions for things they'd like to see, let Ashley, Dan or me know.

Saturday, March 31, 2007


This is the start of a new idea for our Pack. We plan to leave details about projects in the works, activities we are participating in and updates about what we have done. We hope that you find our efforts useful and informative.