Saturday, June 20, 2009

Yard Sale

The leaders of the Panther patrol (Webelos II) would like to thank the following for donations to the yard sale:

The Blakely Family,
The Pettway Family,
The Knowlton Family,
The McLure Family,
The Wempner Family

We would also like to thank the following boys for participating and helping out:

Robert, Chris, William, John, Erwin, Andrew

Friday, June 19, 2009

Yard Sale reminder.

June 20th - 9a - 3p. We have baby stuff, kid stuff and adult stuff. Weight bench, novelty cake pans, books, toys, clothes and more! All proceeds will go to Cub Scout Pack 100 to help fund activities for the boys. Location: Blackwood Hills Subdivision off of Williams Rd near Jimmy Carter Blvd.