Sunday, September 28, 2008

Yellow River Game Ranch

15 boys and their families visited the Yellow River Game Ranch today, fulfilling requirements for each Scouting level.

The boys all did wonderfully, being so kind to the animals and to each other. I'm so proud of everyone, I saw at least 4 boys picking up trash and placing it in trashcans without being prompted by an adult. That's true Cub Scout Spirit!

Also, welcome to the two new boys who joined our Pack today - I hope everyone had fun. We look forward to seeing you all next Sunday at our Den Meeting.
And here is the deer trying to eat my camera! (Good thing she didn't try to nibble on one of our Scouts!) ;)

~Ms. Chris

Webelos Woods

I want to congratulate our Webelos boys who went to Webelos Woods. They had a blast! We participated in several events and the boys learned to work as a team. They were also able to do things that they will be able to do as Boy Scouts, but aren't able to as Cubs. With events like a pancake cook-off, orienteering, string burn, match strike, and stretcher relay, there was lots to do! So for those younger boys who didn't get to go this year, you have a lot of fun to look forward to when you get there.

Yours in Scouting,

Mrs. Ashley

Sunday, September 21, 2008

POPCORN Kickoff!

Dates to remember:

Order forms due: Nov 2nd!

Delivery starts: Nov 22nd!

Remember - boys must be in Class A's when selling! Always go with a partner & an adult! Turn in your FULL order forms each week! Individual Boy Goals: $375.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Pack Meeting Relocated

The September pack meeting has been relocated to the Berrier Building, due to a conflict in location with the church. Unless otherwise noted, all pack meetings are in Pollard Hall at the church. The Berrier building is the gym to the side of the church. Please be aware that there will be a large gathering already occurring this Sunday. If at all possible, car pool or park elsewhere and walk.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but this was beyond our control. Remember, it's all about the boys!

Mrs. Ashley